Support our indie film!

We are still seeking funds for Ogress.  Making an independent film is costly and though we raised a large amount of our total budget (thank you all who have supported us so far), we are still filling some final gaps in our funding.
There are two easy ways to continue supporting us below.

Make a tax-deductible
donation via SIMA Studios

We have fiscal sponsorship with Sima Studios.  Sima is a publicly supported 501(c)(3) non-profit impact media agency, that celebrates creative media projects that advance positive social change. 

With fiscal sponsorship, any donation to Ogress is tax deductible.

Make a donation directly to
Ogress via Paypal

You can support us in making Ogress directly through our PayPal. While this option is not tax-deductible, every part of the donation makes it directly to us!

If you are interested in equity in the film, please email us directly at

Thank you for your support!

Donate via PayPal